
We are glad you are here! We can help!

We understand you may have concerns about being in public spaces. We are now providing counseling services by secure telehealth. We have made it a very simple process while still being HIPAA compliant for confidentiality. Text ,call, or email for more information.

Everyone sees you as the strong and put together one. You are the one that people go to for answers. You are accomplished and confident. On the outside you have it all together. On the inside you feel like a hot mess. Insecure. Reactive. Rejected. Not enough. You wonder if you will ever be satisfied. You wonder if this is all there is.

Life isn’t always easy. Sometimes, even the strongest people need a little bit of help to work through some of life’s more challenging problems. At some point , everyone has struggles to overcome. Whether you are experiencing anxiety, depression, self-esteem, grief, or relationship issues; we want you to know that things can get better. There is hope.

You might be initially hesitant to seek out help and support for personal matters, but when you do, you will feel confident that you are taking a courageous first step towards getting to a better place and being a better you.

Are You Looking for Someone to Listen?
Someone to Show You How to Find What's Missing?

At Altitude Counseling we specialize in counseling for bad ass people that are tired of listening to the negative voice in their head and are ready to do the down and dirty work of changing patterns and finding a way to believe that they are truly enough.

If you’re interested in becoming a happier, more fulfilled you, I’d love to work with you every step of the way.
Please contact us today!


See Our Services

If You're Ready to....

• Start enjoying life again

• Achieve your goals

• and live authentically

…Then let's chat!


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