Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) in Colorado

You’re sick of feeling controlled by your negative thoughts.

Too often, you feel like your thoughts are negative. You find yourself going through thought patterns that are pretty destructive. In addition, your actions often reflect these negative thoughts. At times, you catch yourself doing or saying things that you regret later. And, the worst part is that it’s hard to tell how intentional these actions were. If this sounds familiar, cognitive behavioral therapy in Colorado could be a good place to start.

What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?

A cup of coffee sits next to a napkin that reads "thoughts, behaviors, and feelings." This reflects concepts discussed in CBT in Colorado with Altitude Counseling 80907..

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, or CBT, is a short-term, problem-focused form of behavioral treatment. What does that mean in everyday human language? It means that CBT is a form of therapy that is considered a “short-term intervention” because it typically lasts between 5-20 sessions. In those sessions, you will work with your counselor to look closely at the “problem” you’re experiencing. Under cognitive behavioral therapy, a counselor will help you to tease the problem out to see the pieces that are contributing to it.  We know that there are three main components that we can address: thoughts, beliefs, and feelings.

The CBT Triangle

For cognitive-behavioral therapy, think about a triangle. Cognitive-behavioral therapy works by looking at the relationship between these three pieces. In addition, CBT helps us to see how these three components are affecting each other.  Furthermore, CBT is grounded in the belief that it is a person’s perception of events – rather than the events themselves. This determines how he or she will feel and act in response. So, CBT helps us see that behavior often makes sense when you understand the context.

What Can CBT Help With?

The great thing about CBT is that it can help with a variety of different situations. Research tells us that cognitive-behavioral therapy is beneficial for someone who is struggling with their thoughts. Often, these aren’t helpful for them. So, with that in mind, many people can benefit from CBT! Our therapists have provided CBT in Colorado to many people. Through their experience providing CBT, here is list of experiences CBT can help with:

A girl stands on the beach. She is feeling happy since starting CBT in Colorado with Altitude Counseling in Colorado Springs, CO 80907..

With cognitive behavioral therapy, you’ll be able to adjust the thoughts that directly influence your emotions and behavior. This process is called cognitive reconstructing. And, this happens with different techniques used in cognitive behavioral therapy.

What Techniques Are Used in CBT?

CBT uses a variety of different techniques. In cognitive-behavioral therapy, your counselor will teach you many different skills to incorporate in and out of session. Interestingly, there are lots of different skills that can be used in CBT. Additionally, these skills can be used for different situations. Cognitive-behavioral therapy offers some flexibility when deciding what skills to use. This is important because some skills will work better for some people. Overall, this often helps folks meet their goals with CBT pretty quick! In addition, our therapists have been offering cognitive behavioral therapy for many years. Through their experience, they have used the following:

A person holds a flower. They are feeling happy since starting CBT in Colorado with Altitude Counseling in Colorado Springs, CO 80907..

What Sets Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Colorado Apart From Other Kinds of Therapy?

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is much more than sitting and talking about whatever comes to mind during a session. Cognitive-behavioral therapy sessions are structured. In addition, there are goals set for each session. Goal-setting is helpful for cognitive behavioral therapy. This helps gives us a target to shoot for. Overall, this is to ensure that we come prepared for each session. In addition, we all know what we’re goal we’re focusing on in each session. Altogether, this helps to make sure that we’re staying on track. And, using our time wisely in session.

Beginning Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Colorado

Our experienced therapists are here to help. We provide quality cognitive behavioral therapy in our Colorado Springs-based clinic. Or, we offer CBT through online therapy in Colorado. This way, we can work work with you where ever you are in the state of Colorado! When you’re ready to begin CBT follow these steps:

  1. Fill out an appointment request.
  2. Get to know our excellent and caring therapists.
  3. Change the way you think, in a good way!

Other Counseling Services Provided in Colorado

Cognitive-behavioral therapy in Colorado isn’t the only service we offer. We can help our clients in our Colorado Springs-based counseling clinic. Or, through online therapy in Colorado. Altitude Counseling’s counselors provide many services for people and families going through many different situations. Our therapists offer EMDR therapy.  In addition, our therapists offer services for grief, bereavementdepression, anxiety, trauma, PTSD, and substance use. For our families, we offer teen counselingcounseling for new mothers, counseling for childhood neglect, and IFS.  In addition, we also offer faith-based counseling and counseling for spiritual/religious struggles. We can’t wait to meet you!

300 Garden of the Gods Rd, Ste 200
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
(719) 428-2952

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