Trauma Therapy

You are super reactive and you feel on edge all the time. Recently, you find yourself feeling anxious, sad, and dysregulated. Often, you wonder what the heck is wrong with me and why can’t I just keep it together. If this sounds familiar, you could benefit from trauma therapy.

Stuff is coming up and it doesn’t make sense. Most of the time, it doesn't seem like it's related to the here and now. Your past has a way of rearing its ugly head at the worst times. You have a rocky childhood, but that's in the past, right? Or, something happened recently that has rocked you to your core. Moreover, no matter what you do, you can't seem to recover. These situations are really hard to manage. Luckily, trauma therapy can help you navigate them.

What Is Trauma?

Most people will experience trauma in their lifetime. Trauma can happen after many different situations. It could be a car accident, abuse, or neglect. Sometimes, the sudden death of a loved one. Additionally, a violent criminal act, exposure to war, or a natural disaster can cause trauma.
Many people can recover from trauma over time. Sometimes, all it takes is the love and support of family and friends and bounce back with resiliency. However, others don't have the same outcome. Some may discover the effects of lasting trauma. These can cause a person to live with lasting symptoms. This can be deep emotional pain, fear, confusion, or posttraumatic stress. What's more, these symptoms can stay long after the event has passed.

A woman lays on the couch looking upset due to her trauma and PTSD symptoms. She can't wait to begin trauma therapy in Colorado Springs, CO or Parker, CO with Altitude Counseling. She can get EMDR Therapy with online therapy in Colorado too.

Common PTSD Symptoms of Trauma

Every person experiences trauma differently. For some, they can bounce back immediately. For others, it's a different story. Through our experience providing trauma therapy, here are some common symptoms:
  • Avoiding specific locations, sights, situations, and sounds that serve as reminders of the event
  • Anxiety, depression, numbness, or guilt
  • Intrusive thoughts, nightmares, or flashbacks
  • Anger, irritability, and hypervigilance
  • Aggressive, reckless behavior, including self-harm
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Loss of interest in activities that were once considered enjoyable
  • Difficulty remembering details of the distressing event
  • Change in habits or behavior since the trauma

Trauma Therapy in Colorado Springs, CO Can Help

A male climbs the side of a mountain after PTSD Treatment in Colorado Springs, CO. He is feeling better after beginning trauma therapy in Colorado Springs, CO with Altitude Counseling. He can get help in Parker, CO from a trauma therapist too.

Whether it was a single event or a series of events, you can find relief and lead a happy and successful life. As trauma therapists, we are trained for this purpose. Through trauma therapy, we can help you heal trauma in a gentle and supportive way.

Altitude Counseling's Approach To Trauma Therapy

As trauma therapists, we're here to help. In trauma therapy, our goal is to help you get to a point that you feel comfortable with. We recognize that each of our clients come to us with unique experiences. You may or may not consider what you are dealing with to be PTSD, either. And, to honor that, we tailor our trauma therapy to fit your situation the best. We cater our approach to trauma therapy based on your needs. In addition, we use different modalities. These include EMDR therapy, CBT, mindfulness, and somatic healing.

What Research Shows Us Is Helpful For Trauma Therapy

Research shows us psychotherapy, or talk therapy, is effective for trauma treatment. A common form of talk therapy we use is cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT works by addressing your thoughts, emotions, and behavior. By addressing these components, it has shown to be an effective method for trauma therapy. Our trauma therapists also incorporate eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR). EMDR therapy works by changing maladaptive neural pathways created from a traumatic event. Through the help of a trauma therapist, recovering from trauma is possible.

Begin Trauma Therapy in Colorado Springs, CO

A woman laughs standing against a blank background after PTSD treatment in Colorado Springs, CO. She is feeling happy after trauma therapy in Colorado Springs, CO with Altitude Counseling serving Parker, CO and online therapy in Colorado too.

For some situations, it's not a matter of "just moving on." Sometimes, it takes more than that. As trauma therapists serving Colorado Springs and beyond, we get it. And, we're here to help. Through trauma therapy, we can help you recover from what's happened. In addition, we can teach you the skills to navigate new situations that can be overwhelming. When you're ready to begin PTSD treatment, follow these three steps:
  1. Fill out an appointment request and let us know what's going on.
  2. Get to know our trauma therapists.
  3. Learn the skills you need to rediscover joy.

Other Counseling Services Provided in Colorado

Trauma therapy isn't the only service we offer. We can see clients in our Colorado Springs-based counseling clinic. We can also see clients anywhere with online therapy in Colorado. Our team of counselors provides many services for individuals and families. They provide CBT and EMDR. Additionally, our therapists provide counseling for bereavement, depression, anxiety, and substance use. For families, we provide teen counseling, counseling for new mothers, and IFSIn addition, we offer faith-based counseling and counseling for spiritual/religious struggles.

300 Garden of the Gods Rd, Ste 200
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
(719) 428-2952

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