
The Resistance Band Can Become Your New BFF

Do you know the number one thing that causes aches and pains and makes a person feel old? Tight muscles and a lack of flexibility!Much attention is given to building muscle, but not enough on how to keep muscles and other soft tissues like ligaments and tendons loose and flexible. Is flexibility really that important? Yes! It’s crucial actually.Here are...[ read more ]

What is That Pain in Your Neck?

If your childhood was like most people’s, your mom probably spent a good amount of time telling you to stop slouching. Well, it turns out your mom was very right to tell you that. When we sit up straight, we keep our entire spine in proper alignment. But when we slouch and hunch our shoulders, we mess with our posture...[ read more ]

300 Garden of the Gods Rd, Ste 200
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
(719) 428-2952

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