
Common Expressions and Experiences of Grief: Bargaining

Bargaining is just another way of saying that we get what we want by giving the other person or persons what they want. In our daily lives bargaining may look like exchanging money for clothes, food, and other necessities, offering to provide your friends dinner if they agree to help you move, or agreeing to split your meal with a...[ read more ]

Common Expressions and Experiences of Grief: Denial

When we think of denial, we think about choosing to not believe something that it true. Denial is seen as purposeful ignoring of reality. Although some people do choose to ignore facts and reality, it is more common that we deny something without realizing that we are doing it. This is particularly true when it comes to grieving. Denial in...[ read more ]

Types of Loss that Lead to Grief

Although grief is always caused by loss, loss does not always lead to grief. For example, we would most likely not grieve the loss of our car keys or the death of a movie star that we never heard of. As last week's blog post mentioned, we grieve the loss of the people and things that we truly loved and...[ read more ]

300 Garden of the Gods Rd, Ste 200
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
(719) 428-2952

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