Grief Counseling

You’re exhausted from carrying the heaviness of loss and grief.

You’ve been experienced a loss in Colorado Springs, CO. You knew that it wouldn’t be easy, but you couldn’t have imagined that it would be this hard. It feels like every aspect of your life is being affected. The feelings of sadness, despair, and emptiness are inescapable. No matter how hard you try, you can shake this feeling. If this sounds familiar, you could be experiencing symptoms of grief in Colorado.

You don’t have to deal with loss on your own.

Grief Counseling in Colorado Will Help You Carry On

A person sits on a bench alone. They are having a hard time with symptoms of grief in Colorado. They are looking forward to starting grief counseling in Colorado with Altitude Counseling.

Losing someone, or something is never an easy experience. There are often many intense emotions attached to it. It’s hard to separate the loss you’ve experienced from the other aspects of your life. In addition, navigating grief in Colorado can feel like an impossible task at times. You find yourself doing things you typically never would just to get through your daily life. However, it doesn’t seem to be helping. You aren’t alone in dealing with loss. Altitude Counseling has grief counselors that can offer you high-quality grief counseling. The burden of grief is no longer yours to carry because our grief counselors are here to take off some of that weight.

Common Symptoms of Grief

Each person that deals with grief does so in different ways. This is because we all have different experiences, expectations, values, and reactions. Our grief counselors have worked with many people navigating this. Through their experience providing grief counseling in Colorado, they have seen some common themes of grief. Here is a list of common symptoms of grief:

Physical Symptoms of Grief

Sometimes, symptoms of grief can show up as physical symptoms. Some common physical symptoms of grief are:

  • Crying and sighing
  • Headaches
  • Loss of appetite
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Weakness
  • Fatigue

Emotional Symptoms of Grief 

A type writer spells out "rest in peace." This reflects concepts discussed in grief counseling in Colorado with Altitude Counseling.

Experiencing grief can bring on emotional symptoms of grief, as well. A few common emotional symptoms of grief include:

  • Feelings of sadness and yearning
  • Feelings of worry or anger
  • Experiencing frustration or guilt
  • Depression
  • Anxiety 

Social Symptoms of Grief 

Additionally, our social life can be impacted by grief. Below are a few signs of social symptoms of grief:

  • Feeling detached from others
  • Self-isolation from social contact
  • Behaving in ways that are not normal for you

Our Grief Counselors Can Help

Our grief counselors in Colorado have years of experience providing grief counseling to people not unlike yourself. Grief counseling with our highly trained and skilled grief counselors can assist you in navigating the emptiness you’re experiencing. Our grief counselors have helped people through the lowest of lows. And, our grief counselors have helped individuals discover the highest of the highs, as well.

Altitude Counseling’s Approach to Grief Counseling in Colorado

A woman stands on a mountain no longer feeling symptoms of grief in Colorado. She is happy she started grief counseling in Colorado with Altitude Counseling.

Our grief counselors in Colorado have assisted people to work through the loss they are experiencing in a way that is adaptive and beneficial. Grief counseling looks like exploring the aspects of loss that feel particularly heavy and difficult to move on from. Our grief counselors will walk down this path towards developing and accepting the loss you’ve experienced. Through our work together, our grief counselors can offer the support, guidance, and understanding you need to manage your symptoms of grief.

Beginning Grief Counseling in Colorado

Experiencing symptoms of grief can be extremely difficult. You find yourself being reminded of the loss at the worst times. Our grief counselors in Colorado understand the barriers that you’re experiencing. Starting grief counseling is the next step in overcoming your symptoms of grief. When you’re ready to begin working with our grief counselors, follow these steps:

  1. Get to know our grief counselors.
  2. Begin to manage the symptoms of grief that are weighing heavily on you.

Other Counseling Services Provided in Colorado

Grief counseling in Colorado isn’t the only service we offer. We see clients in our Colorado Springs-based counseling clinic or through online therapy in Colorado. Altitude Counseling’s counselors provide many services for individuals and families. Our therapists are trained to offer CBT and EMDR.  The counselors at Altitude Counseling offer therapy for bereavementdepression, anxiety, trauma, and substance use. For families, we offer teen counselingcounseling for new mothers, counseling for childhood neglect, and IFS.  In addition, we also offer faith-based counseling and counseling for spiritual/religious struggles.



300 Garden of the Gods Rd, Ste 200
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
(719) 428-2952

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