
Yep. It’s Time to Start Anxiety Treatment in Colorado Springs, CO

Anxiety is a very common experience. We hear this all the time. Many people experience anxiety. It often comes after big life changes. But, most people can figure out how to deal with it. And, well, there is some truth to that. Lots of people do experience symptoms of anxiety at some point in their life. Of course, we all...[ read more ]

Types of Loss that Lead to Grief

Although grief is always caused by loss, loss does not always lead to grief. For example, we would most likely not grieve the loss of our car keys or the death of a movie star that we never heard of. As last week's blog post mentioned, we grieve the loss of the people and things that we truly loved and...[ read more ]

4 Subtle Exercises to Calm Anxiety in Public

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, 40 million adults over the age of 18 suffer from an anxiety disorder. If you are one of them, you know how difficult your life can feel most days.When anxiety strikes, the world around us can become a sort of funhouse, only not that much fun. It’s important to be able...[ read more ]

How to Cope with the Stress and Anxiety Caused by COVID-19

If you’re like most people, you are doing your best to stay calm during COVID-19 pandemic. But that can feel incredibly difficult at times. When not worrying about friends and loved one’s health, there’s also the conflicting information provided by the media and the economic ramifications of the virus that have people on edge.Signs of Emotional Distress and 6 Ways...[ read more ]

The Amazing Benefits of Meditation

There are plenty of things that occur in our daily lives that cause us stress: commuter traffic, hassles at work, and tension in our personal relationships to name just a few. If we don’t find healthy ways to deal with this stress, it can fester, eventually causing anxiety, depression, and even health issues such as hypertension and heart disease.One of...[ read more ]

4 Ways to Deal with Social Anxiety at Work

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, 15 million U.S. Americans, or 6.8% of the population, suffers from Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD). SAD, also sometimes referred to as social phobia, is an intense fear of social situations. The sufferer believes they could become humiliated and embarrass themselves somehow in front of other people. They tend to focus on...[ read more ]

How to Boost Your Self-Esteem

What does it mean to have a healthy self-esteem?Some people think it means you are okay with how you look. Other people think you must accomplish something big in your life to have a good self-esteem.But the reality is, having a healthy self-esteem means you like and appreciate yourself faults and all. A good self-esteem can be the difference between...[ read more ]

300 Garden of the Gods Rd, Ste 200
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
(719) 428-2952

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