What is Emotional Abuse?

Emotional abuse is a way to control another person by using emotions to criticize, embarrass, shame, blame, or otherwise manipulate another person. In general, a relationship is emotionally abusive when there is a consistent pattern of abusive words and bullying behaviors that wear down a person’s self-esteem and undermine their mental health.

What is Emotional Abuse?

A woman hangs her head as a person places a supportive hand on her shoulder. This symbolizes support from counseling in Colorado Springs, CO. Contact a therapist in Colorado Springs, CO or an online marriage counselor in Colorado for more information.

Emotional abuse may be one of the most common forms of abuse and also one of the hardest to identify. But, if you’re here reading this blog, chances are you suspect you’re experiencing emotional abuse. As a therapist in Colorado Springs, CO who helps survivors of emotional abuse, it’s very important to discuss this topic. This may be difficult to identify, but it can still cause potential trauma. Sharing what makes up emotional abuse can help you understand what you can do about it.
Emotional abuse is most common in intimate relationships. This may be between a parent and a child or a romantic relationship with someone you’re dating or married to. Regardless, this form of abuse can occur in any type of relationship. Emotional abuse is devastating. It causes the survivor to doubt their worth and can cause negative impacts on mental health.

Signs of Emotional Abuse:

Emotional abuse can be very hard to identify. There are no physical signs it’s occurring. And, the tactics used by the individual committing the abuse are often very subtle. That said, here are some common signs emotional abuse may be occurring in a relationship:
  • Overreacts to little things
  • Makes you feel insecure
  • Humiliates you
  • Overly possessive
  • Pressures you into sex
  • Requiring constant updates/check-ins
  • Infidelity
  • Gaslighting

Understanding the Cycle of Emotional AbuseA woman hangs her head as a person places a supportive hand on her shoulder. This symbolizes support from counseling in Colorado Springs, CO. Contact a therapist in Colorado Springs, CO or an online marriage counselor in Colorado for more information.

The goal of emotional abuse is control over another person. The abuser brings them down and making them feel vulnerable, unworthy, and unlovable. After living with these feelings for so long many survivors share that they don’t want to leave or get help. They feel too afraid that no one else will care for them, or they will not be able to make it on their own. So, they stay and ensure the pain they’re experiencing. Thus, the cycle continues until something or someone intervenes and ends it.
Furthermore, emotional abuse and relationship patterns continue from one generation to the next. So if your parents acted that way to you, you’re more likely to act that way to your children. Or, enter into a relationship with someone who treats you in a similar way because that’s what you know.

What to do if You Suspect There is or Has Been Emotional Abuse in Your Life

First, ask yourself, am I safe? If you’re not safe, you must consider making an exit plan to end your relationship with this person. Consider what you would need to do this.
If your partner is emotionally abusive and willing to change, counseling in Colorado Springs, CO can help. A therapist can teach them new ways to provide support without using abusive tactics. They can also help you learn new ways to set, maintain, and communicate boundaries. Thus, keeping you safe during times of conflict.


If the abuse happened in the past, a therapist in Colorado Springs, CO can help you learn to cope with the aftermath of that relationship. You may experience anxiety, doubt your self-worth, or have poor self-esteem. Or you may feel uneasy in your current relationships with other people. Counseling in Colorado Springs, CO can help you learn to set healthy boundaries. Working with a therapist can help you self-advocate and build positive self-esteem so you can move forward in a peaceful way.
If you’re looking for counseling to help you cope with emotional abuse and live in Colorado, our therapists would be honored to speak with you. We can share about the ways we can help, just like we’ve helped others reclaim their lives and happiness.

Begin Counseling in Colorado Springs, Co

A woman receives a supportive hand from another as she sits on a bed. This represents the support that a therapist in Colorado Springs, CO can provide. Contact an online marriage counselor in Colorado to learn how counseling in Colorado Springs, CO can help you today.

You deserve to live a fulfilling life. The aftermath of emotional abuse can be difficult to manage, but you don’t have to do it alone. A caring therapist would be honored to support you in overcoming past trauma. Our team offers support from our Colorado Springs, CO-based practice. To start your therapy journey, follow these simple steps:
  1. Complete an appointment request
  2. Meet with a caring counselor in colorado
  3. Start overcoming emotional abuse, and enjoy your relationships!

Other Services Offered at Altitude Counseling

We offer a variety of services from our Colorado Springs, CO-based counseling practice including faith-based counseling and counseling for spiritual/religious struggles. Our team of counselors is trained in both CBT and EMDR. They provide counseling for anxiety, bereavement, trauma, and substance use. In addition, our team offers teen counselingcounseling for new mothers, and IFS.

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300 Garden of the Gods Rd, Ste 200
Colorado Springs, CO 80907

(719) 428-2952

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