Why Summer is the Perfect Time to Start Therapy in Colorado Springs, CO


A woman wearing sunglasses smiles as she walks through a sunlit forest. This could represent the freedom felt from therapy in Colorado Springs, CO. Contact a therapist in Colorado Springs, CO to learn more about online therapy, trauma therapy, and marriage counseling in Colorado Springs, CO.

The weather is perfect. It’s sunny more days than not. The temperature is warm, but not too hot. Nature looks different. And, it sounds different. Most people around you seem to be in a lighter mood. Both strangers and friends alike. It feels like the world around you is more lively than it is during the colder times. Plus, you feel more lively! You feel so good that it doesn’t even feel necessary to think about therapy- right? This feeling is so great, you’re convinced that it will stay around all year. Happiness at one point can be so powerful that it can do that, right?

You feel better. You feel happier. Not quite euphoric, but close enough.

It’s tough to deny the impact that warmer weather can have on the quality of our mental health. We provide therapy in Colorado Springs, CO, so we’ve heard this many times from our clients. Oftentimes, this is when we start to see our clients less. We see more canceled appointments and clients “pressing the pause button.” Sure, our therapists get it. Summer can be a busier time with traveling, vacations, and other plans. Children and teens are out of school, so making sure they have everything they need may take some more. Life happens.

So, this is a perfect reason why you should continue to see your Colorado Springs therapist in the summer.

There are a thousand reasons why you prioritizing therapy in the summer is a good idea. Therapy has a laundry list of benefits. Working regular hours with your therapist benefits not only you but those around you. It can help your relationship with your partner. And, therapy can help you navigate the responsibilities of being a parent.

Therapy in Colorado Springs, CO can also help you work through:

  • A variety of other experiences

An image of a large sunflower for Altitude Counseling. We offer therapy in Colorado Springs, CO, online therapy in Colorado, and other services. Contact an online therapist in Colorado for more info!

Now, these benefits aren’t only specific to starting or continuing therapy in the summer. These benefits can happen regardless of when you start. Or, if you decide to continue seeing your therapist.

With that in mind, here are some benefits that are specific to see your therapist in the summer.

1. Therapy in the summer can help you navigate the potential battle of body image.

Let’s address the elephant in the room. Yes, our society is making steps for body acceptance. But, we’re not completely there yet. Our therapists are familiar with clients sharing the impact that the societal expectation of “showing more skin in the summer” has. And, it’s not fun. In fact, it sucks. This can be a very tough thing to navigate considering that it can feel present in so many situations. Our therapists get it. And, they can help. Our therapists are happy to walk with you as you explore what your definition of self-esteem is. Regardless of what you’ve heard it “should” feel like.

2. Therapy in the summer can help challenge the desire to ignore anything less than ‘good vibes.’

There’s an expectation to be ‘relaxed’ and ‘chilled out’ in the summer months. We’re supposed to be feeling nothing but ‘good vibes.’ But, if we’re honest with ourselves, that’s not reality. It’s normal to have good and bad days. Sometimes, even good and bad weeks. With that in mind, it’s unrealistic to expect that our symptoms of anxiety, depression, or trauma will transform into ‘good vibes.’ It’s not reality. But do you know what is reality? Taking the appropriate measures during all months to ensure we have the support and resources we need. Regardless of what the weather is doing.

3. Continuing therapy in the summer is a responsible choice for our mental health.A close up of an individual meeting with their client as they hold a clipboard. This could represent therapy in Colorado Springs, CO with a therapist in Colorado Springs, CO. Contact an online therapist in Colorado for more info on online therapy, trauma therapy, and other services!

Achieving stability with our mental health requires time and dedication. It is not something that is often achieved after a few sessions. Also, reaching stability with our mental health requires consistency and continued effort. You know a super great way to achieve that? Continuing to see your therapist when it’s nice outside! This consistency and continued effort will likely pay off for you in the end.

Begin Therapy in Colorado Springs, CO

Well, folks, the ball is in your court. These are only three of the many reasons you should start or continue therapy in Colorado Springs, CO. We are able to offer you many services in our Colorado Springs-based counseling practice. Our team of skilled therapists is happy to work with you via online therapy in Colorado. Either way, you can expect exceptional service. When you’re ready to begin therapy in Colorado Springs, CO, follow these steps:

  1. Get to know our team of therapists.
  2. Feel good, regardless of the temperature outside.

Other Counseling Services

Depression Counseling
Online Therapy
Trauma Therapy
Counseling for Emotional Neglect
Marriage Counseling
Online therapy in Colorado
PTSD Treatment 
Grief Counseling
Therapy for Men
Anxiety Treatment 

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300 Garden of the Gods Rd, Ste 200
Colorado Springs, CO 80907

(719) 428-2952

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