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6 signs that your relationship could benefit from marriage counseling in Colorado Springs, CO

A speedometer is shown. This demonstrates aspects covered in marriage counseling in Colorado Springs, CO with Altitude Counseling.

If you’ve ever been in a serious relationship, you don’t need me to tell you that: it’s hard work! We all know and understand how difficult it is to make a relationship work. And yet, we still hesitate to seek marriage counseling. We try to cope on our own because we have preconceived ideas about marriage counseling. Some common thoughts...[ read more ]

When to throw in the towel and when to work through it: 3 topics to discuss with your partner before starting marriage counseling in Colorado Springs, CO

Despite your best efforts, it has happened again. You have found yourself locked in yet another argument with your significant other. Something was said or done that hurt your feelings. So, you try your best to communicate your feelings with your spouse. You think you are starting to make some headway and then WHAM. You are sent a message (verbally...[ read more ]

How to Spot Passive-Aggressive Behavior

There was a time when the phrase passive-aggressive was rarely uttered among non-psychologists. But it’s a phrase that is mentioned often these days.The problem is, passive-aggressive behavior is almost so common, that it’s hard for people to pinpoint what that behavior looks like exactly.Do you know any passive-aggressive people? Chances are you do. But do you know the real behaviors...[ read more ]

4 Subtle Exercises to Calm Anxiety in Public

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, 40 million adults over the age of 18 suffer from an anxiety disorder. If you are one of them, you know how difficult your life can feel most days.When anxiety strikes, the world around us can become a sort of funhouse, only not that much fun. It’s important to be able...[ read more ]

Fighting Loneliness During Quarantine

Not many of us have ever experienced the kind of isolation that this COVID-19 pandemic has brought about. While quarantine for some has been a welcomed break from the hustle and bustle of life and a chance to spend more quality time with the family, for others it has been an incredibly lonely experience away from coworkers, friends, and those...[ read more ]

Coping with Working from Home During COVID-19

How many mornings have you shut off that alarm, wishing you could just work from home in your PJs? Well now many of us are getting our wish thanks to COVID-19.While in theory working from home may seem ideal, the reality for many of us is that it’s, well, kind of a pain. Particularly if you have young children home...[ read more ]

The Resistance Band Can Become Your New BFF

Do you know the number one thing that causes aches and pains and makes a person feel old? Tight muscles and a lack of flexibility!Much attention is given to building muscle, but not enough on how to keep muscles and other soft tissues like ligaments and tendons loose and flexible. Is flexibility really that important? Yes! It’s crucial actually.Here are...[ read more ]

The Benefits of Online Therapy

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed our lives in innumerable ways. But, as stressful as this lockdown has been for most of us, we have learned much about ourselves as individuals and as a nation.Another silver lining that has emerged from this crisis is a new awareness and embracing of treatment tools that have been available for some time. Telehealth (or...[ read more ]

What is That Pain in Your Neck?

If your childhood was like most people’s, your mom probably spent a good amount of time telling you to stop slouching. Well, it turns out your mom was very right to tell you that. When we sit up straight, we keep our entire spine in proper alignment. But when we slouch and hunch our shoulders, we mess with our posture...[ read more ]

5 Foods to Keep Your Immune System Strong

As the events of COVID-19 continue to unfold, many of us are focusing on how we can keep ourselves and our families as healthy as possible. While social distancing and increased hand washing can be very effective at stopping the spreading of the Corona virus, it is equally important to keep our immune systems strong.With this in mind, here are...[ read more ]

300 Garden of the Gods Rd, Ste 200
Colorado Springs, CO 80907

(719) 428-2952

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