
6 Ways You Can Use Validation to Better Lead Your Employees

Photo of a team of professionals sitting at a table representing a leader who is validating their employees to reduce stress and build a sense of team.

he Being the leader of a business can be difficult. That's why it is important to find ways to communicate effectively with your employees. One way you could do this is by using validation techniques. Validation helps people feel that their contributions are valued and respected in your organization. Furthermore, it helps them feel seen and heard by you as...[ read more ]

Common Expressions and Experiences of Grief: Depression

Depression is most associated with persistent feelings of sadness, but there are actually several symptoms that may indicate we are struggling with depression: Sadness, becoming easily tearful, or feelings of emptiness and hopelessness Lack of interest in things that used to be personally enjoyable Irritability and angry outbursts Difficulty falling or staying asleep Low physical energy Changes in appetite, such...[ read more ]

Why Summer is the Perfect Time to Start Therapy in Colorado Springs, CO

  The weather is perfect. It’s sunny more days than not. The temperature is warm, but not too hot. Nature looks different. And, it sounds different. Most people around you seem to be in a lighter mood. Both strangers and friends alike. It feels like the world around you is more lively than it is during the colder times. Plus,...[ read more ]

What is Grief?

Grief is the emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual process we as humans go through when we have lost someone or something that we love. Grief is complex and personal. Unfortunately, grief is also inevitable, because death and loss are inevitable. Grief is more than just the feeling of sadness after a loss. Grief is the entire journey of learning how...[ read more ]

3 Reasons Why Starting Counseling in 2021 Makes Sense

So, we all know how 2020 went. It wasn't great. And really, that's an understatement. As a nation, we navigated a lot of different obstacles that were thrown at us. It seems like the year 2020 was a century long. And, was filled with enough challenges that will take a century to recover from. And, with all of that in...[ read more ]

3 Tips to Navigate Life After Childhood Emotional Neglect

Everyone's childhood looks different. Not all of us went to Disney Land. Or, had extravagant birthday parties. For some of us, there are situations that happened in our childhood that we don't look back on fondly. And, this can feel pretty icky sometimes. At times, you may avoid talking about things that happened when you were a kiddo. Unfortunately, this...[ read more ]

6 signs that your relationship could benefit from marriage counseling in Colorado Springs, CO

A speedometer is shown. This demonstrates aspects covered in marriage counseling in Colorado Springs, CO with Altitude Counseling.

If you’ve ever been in a serious relationship, you don’t need me to tell you that: it’s hard work! We all know and understand how difficult it is to make a relationship work. And yet, we still hesitate to seek marriage counseling. We try to cope on our own because we have preconceived ideas about marriage counseling. Some common thoughts...[ read more ]

When to throw in the towel and when to work through it: 3 topics to discuss with your partner before starting marriage counseling in Colorado Springs, CO

Despite your best efforts, it has happened again. You have found yourself locked in yet another argument with your significant other. Something was said or done that hurt your feelings. So, you try your best to communicate your feelings with your spouse. You think you are starting to make some headway and then WHAM. You are sent a message (verbally...[ read more ]

300 Garden of the Gods Rd, Ste 200
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
(719) 428-2952

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